UPI ID: 8797780714-3@ibl
What to Do Next
- Pay Amount Equivalent to listing on the above QR or UPI ID.
- Click on the Payment Done button.
- Send a screenshot of the successful payment.
- Specify which mentor you have booked.
- Pay the equivalent amount as specified for the mentor booking.
- The mentor will not be booked until the payment is confirmed.
- Refunds will be processed within 7 working days for valid reasons.
Valid Reasons for Refund
- Payment Error: If there was an error in the payment process.
- Mentor Unavailability: If the mentor is unavailable at the booked time.
- Technical Issues: If there are technical issues preventing the session.
- Cancellation: If the session is canceled by the mentor.
- Unsatisfactory Service: If the service provided is unsatisfactory (with valid proof).